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About Us

Steeped in 80 years of Scouting heritage, Troop 17 is the oldest Boy Scout Troop in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area of Virginia. Since Frank Ix became Troop 17’s first Eagle in 1938, 109 Scouts from Troop 17 have earned Boy Scouting’s highest honor. Troop 17 Scouts attain the rank of Eagle at four times the national average rate.

Troop 17 combines a traditional adventure-based Scouting program, community service, Scouting achievements, and the BSA STEM/Nova program, which we offer as a separate STEM-focused program within our Troop. We always look for fun activities that help Scouts along their Scouting careers and toward the eventual goal of Eagle. Boys have opportunities to plan and organize meals, campouts, service projects, earn merit badges, and other events, while working on Scouting skills. Boys have ample opportunity to serve in Troop leadership roles to fulfill requirements for rank advancement.

Troop 17 is sponsored by the Church of the Incarnation, a Roman Catholic Community. We openly welcome boys from all faiths and denominations and would be honored for boys and their parents interested in Troop 17 to be our guest at a troop meeting, open house, campout, or other event. Please contact us for more information.

Meeting Schedule and Location

Meetings are held at the Parish Activities Center at Church of the Incarnation, 1465 Incarnation Drive, Charlottesville, VA  22901.  A full schedule of Troop activities is on our Calendar page.  Troop meetings are on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15PM and follow a rotation between regular full troop meetings, Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meetings, Troop Committee/parent meetings, and STEM Nova program meetings, as follows:

  • Regular Full Troop Meetings:  1st and 3rd Tuesdays
  • PLC Meeting:  2nd Tuesday
  • STEM Nova Program Meeting:  3rd Thursday
  • Troop Committee and Parents Meeting:  4th Tuesday

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© 2025 Troop 17-Charlottesville, VA, Since 1934 - Boy Scouts of America
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